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Phyla is a new artistic collaboration between Wayne Hall and Susan Camp. Together we are creating unique, handcrafted items for the home. Utilizing the greenest available processes, we fabricate fine art icons, lamps and other decor from etched copper and carved hardwood. We are also exploring compositions of mold-grown gourds and wood branches.

Wayne brings his extensive experience creating furniture from locally sourced and gathered wood to the conversation, carefully selecting and carving the individual pieces in response to the copper images.Susan cultivates and gathers plant materials for the basis of her imagery. She utilizes non-toxic printmaking techniques, photo-exposing and then etching the forms into copper plates.Finally, the subtle and richly patinated copper surfaces, in collaboration with the wood, bring the images to life.

The resulting pieces are quiet, poetic ruminations celebrating the beauty of the materials and the cycles of our Maine landscape.

Susan Camp is a sculptor, printmaker and community practitioner from rural Maine. Her work reflects concern and fascination with the changing practices of food production and the manipulation of species in a landscape increasingly dominated by corporate farming. A primary focus of her practice is minimizing the environmental impact of her artistic production and teaching non-invasive techniques to others.
In her latest body of work she has been creating images by etching, inking and patinating copper. This series of images celebrates natural forms of plants that she cultivates and gathers. These delicate pieces offer an intimate glimpse of organic materials in various states of growth and decay, encouraging close examination and reflection about our complex relationships with other species.

She has exhibited her work for the past twenty-five years nationally and in Ireland. Recent venues include; Amos Eno Gallery, Governor's Island in New York City, The Crane Art Gallery in Philadelphia and Maine Farmland Trust Gallery in Belfast, Maine. She teaches at the University of Maine and is a recipient of a Maine Arts Commission/Harry Faust
Art Fund public sculpture grant.

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lamp pair lamp pair
phyla maple phyla - standing fern
phyla - carved black scroll phyla - copper pages walnut
phyla - a reminder phyla - a reminder 2